Chart of due diligence

Through a combination of unique methods, advanced technology, and analytical excellence, Intil delivers a holistic integrity risk evaluation of companies or key individuals. Intil’s integrity Due Diligence (IDD) measures risk and vulnerabilities related to perceived truthfulness and moral principles.

Intil evaluates previous behaviour and character of an individual or company. Additionally, it is assessed how this image is or could be perceived by others to gain an understanding of the entity’s reputation. Even though the due diligence can be performed with focus on either Integrity or Reputation most clients appreciate the combined version where both views are assessed. Make our IDD part of your due diligence process to stay one step ahead managing risks.

Demonstration for humanitarian causes
A lot of code that is a bit blurry

Allow Intil’s smart cybersecurity due diligence to assess the cyber security risks in an effective way without time consuming processes. Through uncovering gaps in security and assessing the risks involved, our cyber due diligence will give you an opportunity to take better decisions and take mitigative action. Our concept can be performed discrete or with the involvement of the target pending where you are in the process.

Get a complete picture of the reputation and media presence of a target company or individual with Intil’s reputation due diligence. Uncover risks at an early stage, address uncertainties and make conscious business decisions supported by our smart methods, advanced technology and thousands of sources and experienced analysts.

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